Find Success As A Local Artiste. And Why That’s OK…

2012-05-15 21.46.24

Success on the local level, can be very rewarding. Many time’s it is from this local celebrity status you find your self being launched in the big time. And you may not have been trying to do so. I am writing this post because as a Music Career Advisor, I talk to so many unbelievably gifted musicians and singers.

Some who want to be superstars and others who are just happy to be able to make a living doing what they love. It’s really quite interesting to me the difference in mentality is on these various levels.

I often talk about growing up in Detroit Michigan, which had it own special blend of magic, music and talent. Many went on the be superstars and legends. Some kept a high profile local star status. Others who had been behind the scenes as producers and session players continued to keep a healthy working and respectable business going locally. And they were happy in their roles.

After I moved to California, there was a different type of local stardom. Continued